Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Access to birth control? Access? Really?

Who doesn’t have access to birth control? Are there millions of people who don’t have access to supermarkets or pharmacies? How about a gas station or a truck stop with a condom dispenser in the bathroom?

If there is someone who lives with those circumstances, they could always abstain. No one produces a child without being a participant in the act, whether willingly or unwillingly.

So, it must not really be about access.

So why is it suddenly an issue?

Is the real issue about forcing other people to pay for it…particularly the “bitter clingers”? Is it about using the power of the State to force them to violate their religious convictions, to bow down and acknowledge the State as all-powerful and therefore god? Or is it to try to stir them to rebel so you can declare them as terrorists and scoop them up off the street and detain them indefinitely without a trial?

Is it vital because a morally dissolute populace is easier to control?

I mean, what would happen if young people actually had to come to grips with the fact that their actions have consequences?

What if they had to take responsibility for their actions?

What if they had to grow up and become responsible for someone beside themselves…if they had to learn to nurture and care for another human being?

Why then they would be adults. And they wouldn’t need the government to fill the role of the parent.

No, we cannot let that happen! We must do whatever we can to entice young people to give in to a life of irresponsibility and personal pleasure and force those who stand for moral accountability to pay for it. We must tear down every vestige of civilization!

Cinco de Mayo?

What makes May 5th a special date in U.S. history?

Cinco de Mayo? Wrong…I said U.S. history.

Every American should mark May 5th for another reason…

On May 4th, American Civil Liberties Union ran an ad in the Chattanooga Times offering to pay the legal fees of any teacher who would admit to violating the recently passed Butler Act.

On May 5, 1925, high school science teacher John Scopes volunteered for the task and was arrested for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school.

Over 200 reporters were dispatched to cover the ensuing “Monkey Trial” and the A.C.L.U.’s assault on America’s religious faith began. They continue seeking the eradication of religion from all of life to this very day.

Deceit wins round 1

Round 1 is lost. HR 2499 passed yesterday by a 223-169 “bi-partisan” vote. You can see how your Congressman voted here.

The Senate must now pick the bill up and rest assured that Harry Reid will do so. You must begin contacting and INFORMING your Senator of the consequences of his vote.

It was actually reported that some of the Republican congressman were fuming when they learned the real intent behind after they voted for it. How many times do you need to get your face kicked in before you finally come to terms with the fact that the person doing the kicking is actually trying to kill you?

By any means necessary

If you read my last post, an obvious question arises…

“If those other states did it, why shouldn’t Puerto Rico be able to do it also?”

In principle, there is nothing wrong with that. However, there seems to be very little regard to principle in Washington, D.C. these days

The Progressives have one primary motivating prinicple: political power by any means necessary. It is the motive of the tyrant.

If it means subverting the will of the majority of the Puerto Rican people, so be it. The end justifies the means.

The Progressive Trojan Horse

Folks, this is urgent!

Tomorrow, the House is scheduled to vote on HR 2499, The Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009. That sounds harmless. You might say, “What’s the big deal? I’m all for self-determination.”

I want to know why we need this bill? The Puerto Ricans already can vote. In fact, they have voted against becoming a state on four separate occasions. (1952, 1967, 1993 & 1998) So, with Financial Reform, Immigration Reform, Cap & Trade already on the table, why is this such a high priority?

As is usual, the devil is in the details.

The bill calls for two votes. The first vote will ask for a Yes/No vote if Puerto Rico should maintain its present political status. When you add those favoring independence to the 40% that want statehood, it is very likely that the majority will vote for something other than the present state. According to…

“A second vote would be scheduled to poll voters on the following three options:

  • 1. “Independence: Puerto Rico should become fully independent from the United States;”
  • 2. “Sovereignty in Association with the United States: Puerto Rico and the United States should form a political association between sovereign nations that will not be subject to the Territorial Clause of the United States Constitution;” and,
  • 3. “Statehood: Puerto Rico should be admitted as a State of the Union.”

    This clever arrangement will allow those favoring statehood to win despite being a decided minority. If that weren’t bad enough

    “Another odd provision allows non-resident Puerto Ricans to vote on statehood for the Commonwealth.  The bill states that “all United States citizens born in Puerto Rico who comply, to the satisfaction of the Puerto Rico State Elections Commission, with all Commission requirements (other than the residency requirement) applicable to eligibility to vote in a general election in Puerto Rico.”  Residency requirements may be waived, because Puerto Ricans living in the states would naturally favor statehood for the Commonwealth.”

    According to the Census, there are 4.1 million Puerto Ricans living in the United States. There are a little less the 4 million living in Puerto Rico.

    HR 2499 will probably be sold as a move toward “fiscal responsibility.” If they remain a commonwealth, Puerto Rico will continue to receive aid from the federal government yet pay no taxes.

    In 1997, Edwin Feulner wrote a piece titled Do We Need a 51st State?

    “Would tax revenue from Puerto Ricans paying federal income taxes be enough to offset the added expense? With an average per-capita annual income of about $7,600, few Puerto Ricans would be required to pay any income taxes at all. The short answer: No.”

    The other BIG selling point is that it is “non-binding.” If it is  “non-binding” and they can already can vote, why write it? If it is  “non-binding”, then why the urgency?

    Let’s say that the bill passes, and Puerto Rico “chooses” to become a state, so what?

    Were you ever taught how Tennessee, Michigan, Oregon, California, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota and Alaska became states? I wasn’t either. Please read about it here:

    Why do you need to know that?

    The same strategy is going to be applied again…by a coalition of Progressives in the U.S. Congress and in Puerto Rico! You don’t believe me…

    Let’s say they just happen to implement the “Tennessee Plan” and become the 51st state. How would the two Senators and 6 representatives from our  51st state be likely to vote?

    Puerto Rico, which received $18 billion in direct federal expenditures in FY 2008, has a population with a median national income of $17,741, nearly a third below that for the United States.

    The bulk of Puerto Rico’s population will just join the 36% who do not currently pay any Federal income tax. Hmmm, another voting bloc dependant on the Federal government…

    I am sure that our politicians are reading the polls. They can see that 2/3 of the country are not happy with their profligate spending and the redistribution of our wealth.

    If HR 2499 passes, do not be surprised if Puerto Rico becomes a state in  matter of months. Two more senators will give the Progressives a supermajority. We will not be able to stop them.