Archive for November, 2008

What about Separation?


I realize that we are not a Christian nation, either in our institutions, our laws or our behaviors.

However, if you believe the current rhetoric, we were never were. Judicial activists contend that these United States were secular right from our inception and seek to interpret the Constitution in that light.

I wonder how they interpret the first proclamation of Thanksgiving by the Continental Congress in 1777:

FOR AS MUCH as it is the indispensable Duty of all Men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for Benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessings as they stand in Need of: And it having pleased him in his abundant Mercy, not only to continue to us the innumerable Bounties of his common Providence; but also to smile upon us in the Prosecution of a just and necessary War, for the Defense and Establishment of our unalienable Rights and Liberties;particularly in that he hath been pleased, in so great a Measure, to prosper the Means used for the Support of our Troops, and to crown our Arms with most signal success:

It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive Powers of these UNITED STATES to set apart THURSDAY, the eighteenth Day of December next, for SOLEMN THANKSGIVING and PRAISE: That at one Time and with one Voice, the good People may express the grateful Feelings of their Hearts, and consecrate themselves to the Service of their Divine Benefactor; and that, together with their sincere Acknowledgments and Offerings, they may join the penitent Confession of their manifold Sins, whereby they had forfeited every Favor; and their humble and earnest Supplication that it may please GOD through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of Remembrance; That it may please him graciously to afford his Blessing on the Governments of these States respectively, and prosper the public Council of the whole: To inspire our Commanders, both by Land and Sea, and all under them, with that Wisdom and Fortitude which may render them fit Instruments, under the Providence of Almighty GOD, to secure for these United States, the greatest of all human Blessings, INDEPENDENCE and PEACE:That it may please him, to prosper the Trade and Manufactures of the People, and the Labor of the Husbandman, that our Land may yield its Increase: To take Schools and Seminaries of Education, so necessary for cultivating the Principles of true Liberty, Virtue and Piety, under his nurturing Hand; and to prosper the Means of Religion, for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom, which consisteth “in Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost.

And it is further recommended, That servile Labor, and such Recreation, as, though at other Times innocent, may be unbecoming the Purpose of this Appointment, be omitted on so solemn an Occasion. ((, Nov. 2008))

I guess these guys didn’t understand the principle of separation of church and state.

A glimpse into the future

I dropped my daughter off at the animal hospital today. On Thanksgiving!

Evidently, to more than a few people, our pets imagined “emotional health” is now more important than setting aside a time to be thankful to God.

As I headed home, I thought of the growing trend of people treating their pets like children. How “cute” it all is! How trendy!

Where will this anthropomorphizing end?

Let me venture a guess…

Since it is currently acceptable to treat animals like children, how long will it be before some pop culture television show or magazine does an “exposé” of some hot, “edgy” chicks in New York or San Francisco or Los Angeles who have chosen to make “Bruiser” their partner?

It may already have happened as far as I know. I don’t frequent those “hip”, dark cultural alleys.

You say that is sick. Who are you to impose your morality on her?…or me?

Seriously, what is to stop it? After all, who is she harming? If it makes her happy…

And while we are at it, why can’t she and “Bruiser” be “married”? Why should we limit it to two humans?

“For the mind set on the flesh is death…”  Romans 8:6

Dog’s best friend

My youngest daughter has to work tomorrow! On Thanksgiving!

What does she do? She works at an animal hospital. She had to go in to keep the dogs company!!!

“Keep the dogs company? You mean a dog can’t be alone for one day?”

“Dad, 200 people are paying the hospital to keep their dogs company over the holidays.”

I guess things have changed. In the not too distant past, a dog was frequently referred to as man’s best friend. Now, I guess man has become dog’s best friend.

No matter how much we try to deceive ourselves, they are still just dogs. No matter how much we flatter ourselves in our imaginations about our pet’s “loyalty” to us and “emotional dependence” upon us, they still remain animals. Your precious “Fluffy” or prized “Bruiser” will gladly abandon your house to come over to mine if I start feeding it better than you do.

Tolerance is not the goal

“There is no place in America for anything but an embrace – not just tolerance – of people’s religious beliefs. Equally, I would say great caution should be exercised when people try to restrict people’s rights.”  Rick Jacobs, chairman of the Courage Campaign

The homosexual activists have been claiming that all they want is tolerance. However, Mr. Jacobs let the cat out of the bag during the Courage Campaign’s recent effort to prevent the passage of Proposition 8 in California.

Tolerance is not enough. No. The homosexual activists plan to force everyone to “embrace” their moral choices.

It has already begun. eHarmony has been cowed into offering its matchmaking services to homosexuals. it is only a matter of time until your church, parish or synagogue is next.

They plan to use the courts to force you to repent of your lack of love and acceptance. In fact, it appears that they will not be satisfied until you are forced to deny all that you believe and celebrate their choice.


“You’re a homophobe!”

This is the familiar accusation of anyone who holds a moral world view that does not condone or approve of homosexual behavior.

This Sunday, a young woman testified that 13 young people went out into the Castro district to worship God. One young man played the guitar and the other 12 sang.

Amazingly, the “loving” homosexual community reacted in a way that would justifiably inspire fear in these young people. Here is the video that was shown to corroborate her story:

Here is another video showing of the homosexual community’s tolerance for opposing views.

Perhaps they are trying to instill homophobia in the general populace.